The Sphere of Unionis

Материал из Unionis
Версия от 13:04, 2 мая 2024; Nastya Sharq IT (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Sphere of Unionis is a three-dimensional representation of Unionis where each universe has coordinates on the surface of Unionis. The radial dimension of Unionis is time. The radius of the sphere depends on the time in which the observer is located. Since a human cannot see the future, the radius of the Unionis sphere for human representation is limited to “today”. The Unionis sphere is a map of movements in the game.»)
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Sphere of Unionis is a three-dimensional representation of Unionis where each universe has coordinates on the surface of Unionis. The radial dimension of Unionis is time.

The radius of the sphere depends on the time in which the observer is located. Since a human cannot see the future, the radius of the Unionis sphere for human representation is limited to “today”.

The Unionis sphere is a map of movements in the game.